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Electronic target on Arduino

This target is for compensation and the number counting Fick hits in its Center a plastic bullet. As the small arms used a pistol, shooting them. Algorithm of target next. When booty Denmark bullets in her Center is dealt short beep cue, light red diode is lit and simultaneously on digital display number pop paper is incremented by one. After a few seconds (time perezarjad) is dealt three beeps and the led turns on green th glow color-signal resolution NIYA.

Device is shown in Scheme Fig. 1. Its basis is the Board Arduino Uno, paradise and performs all operations. Akus absolute transducer B1 implementation misses the turn two functions — sensor and acoustic signals must hit deadlock. Hit count displays digital seven-element led indicator NYY HL1 (decimal point). LEDs HL1 and HL2 Signa Lyse on the status of the device. Re zistorom R4 set the sensitive activities (threshold) of the device. It must react to being hit b in the center of the target and not respond in any other case.

Figure. 1

После подачи питающего напряже­ния (оно поступает на плату Arduino Uno) надо кратковременно нажать на кнопку SB1 “Сброс”. Цифровой индикатор будет погашен, и станет светить свето­диод HL1, разрешающий стрельбу. На аналоговый вход АО Arduino с делителя R2R3 поступает постоянное напряжение около 2,5 В. На аналогичный вход А1 с движка переменного резистора R4 поступает постоянное пороговое на­пряжение, но отличное от 2,5 В. Экспериментально надо установить такой порог, чтобы устройство реагиро­вало только на попадания в центр мише­ни (т. е. акустический преобразователь). При этом на выводе 12 Arduino Uno про­граммно установлен низкий уровень напряжения, т. е. этот выход соединён с минусовой линией питания. В таком состоянии устройство ждёт выстрела.

When hit by a bullet in the center of the target at Aku sticheskom converted Wathelet B1 occurs a short pulse to the study, which Pres exceeds a threshold, and monitor regional hit. When you do this output low 13 high, therefore, complied with Fu fact NL1 led (green glow) goes out and becomes a shining NL2 (red candle). At the same time requires 12 outlet ESS Tutu prjamougol tional impulses often the 1 kHz. At a high level on this conclusion he arrives at the bottom of the converter output schema B1 and transistor VT1 opens and connects the upper output schema converter with mine OWL power line. Thus, the whole pulsnyj them comes converter signal and therefore work em as an acoustic probe.

На индикаторе HG1 появляется циф­ра 1, и далее устройство работает по алгоритму, описание которого приведено выше. С каждым точ­ным попаданием число на индикаторе увеличивается на единицу. Чтобы с помо­щью одного семиэлементно­го индикатора можно было индицировать число попада­ний до 19, после цифры 9 включается децимальная точ­ка, которая индицирует деся­ток. Если на индикаторе HG1 будет 5., это означает, что индицируется число 15. Для сброса показаний и начала нового отсчёта надо кратко­временно нажать на кнопку SB1 “Сброс”.

Fig. 2

All the details posted on the one-sided printed dress those foil-clad lotekstolita stack, which you polnena in the form of an expanded Board of rhenium (Shield). To connect to the Arduino Uno set bolt explanation jomy (forks). This allows you to quickly install and reduced mother Arduino Uno and use it to compete in other projects. Drawing boards and placing items on it showing on Figure. 2. The appearance of mounted boards is shown in Figure 3. Connectors are installed by the printed conductors.

Fig. 3

Applied constant resistors r 1-4, 2-23, variable — SP 4-1 SP 3-4, LEDs, any malomoshh tional corresponding colour Glow light — seven-element with maximum deci point and common cathode, Tran-zistor low-power, perfect Liu battle out series CT 3102. Button-TC-0409 or similar long conclusions and pusher, on board it is using stands and glue. Connectors HR1, HR2-single fork PLS-10.

As acoustic transformation user B1 applied pezokerami Czech head Siemens labeled H8 from desktop handset telephone. The diameter of its hull is 48 mm. Perforated shield piezoceramic transducer is not very thick and can deform when hit by a bullet, so it is advisable to protect the metal plate, in which Sian to do acoustic holes and you can stick your NARI the center of the target.

Для корпуса устройства и самой мишени применены подручные мате­риалы. Корпус изготовлен из прозрач­ной коробки от гибких дисков 3,5″, мишень — из DVD-диска (fig. 4). PLA Ta device using glue and Struts fastened with internal hundred Rhone front panel. It made two holes: one for engine AC resistor, and one for pusher button. Because the housing is transparent, it was decided to paint it. Previously the place on the front panel, where the indicator and LEDs, were protected against tape segments. After painting, these segments are removed.

Fig. 4

Central hole DVD increase it became absolute akus converter. When this converter it is necessary to formulate a value from disk using PE zinovoj damping about masonry, to weaken environmental eliminate fluctuations arise following when hit by a bullet in the disk.

Нестабилизированный ис­точник питания напряжением 7…12 В подключают к гнезду питания платы Arduino Uno. По­этому в боковой стенке корпуса сделано отверстие для штеке­ра блока питания. При желании можно сделать отверстие и для подключения USB-разъёма, тогда в Arduino Uno можно будет загружать код, не выни­мая её из корпуса устройства.

Target with concentric circles of MI in the center of which is the converter with connected B1, two wire cable. The author of the English version (fig. 4) target glued to the body, but it is possible to place and separate from your device. The shape and size of the target market, as well as algorithm of operation of the device may vary, it depends on the willingness of the sieves of who manufactured the device tavlivaet. Not because of changing hardware can but significantly change the program and thus the algorithm of operation of the device. For example, give an authorization decision on fire for a short time at random intervals or limit the total time for shooting one arrow.

Download the file to the project

Author: И. НЕЧАЕВ, г. Москва1
Source: Радио №6/2017


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