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How to charge the battery when no charger

Forgive me the manufacturers and sellers of chargers.

Especially in winter there are such unpleasant moments, like at inopportune moments, the vehicle battery is razresheniem, or after several attempts to start in the cold, the battery cannot turn the starter.

What to do if you don't have a charger?

Want to share a few ways:

If you have a laptop, you can use its charger.

The dependence of the current from power bulbs for BP which I use to have the following: grafik1Usually chargers give about 20V and 4A, i.e., the capacity of 80W and are equipped with short circuit protection

with halogen bulb (best pair are connected in parallel) and a laptop charger you can safely charge the battery.

See video

Attention if you decided to repeat this way, it is you do at your own risk, the author cannot be held responsible. The article is written purely for informational purposes!


We will calculate what current will flow when connecting halogen lamp with a power of 110 Watts

under normal voltage 110/12 = 9.2 per And

12/9,2= 1.3 Ohms — resistance lamochki

Take the power supply voltage of 20 To

we assume the battery will fall To 13, glamocko remain 7 In

I=U/R, obtained 7/1,3 = 5,3 And that is quite enough current to charge the battery with a capacity of 53Ач 10 hours

I felt this way about (approx. on video used light bulbs from vases povorotnikov) with 2 parallel soedeniny light bulbs 105 watts each, ammeter postal value 6A, the current protection on the power supply does not work, because there is no short circuit, however, the power supply still limits the current more than 6A and I squeeze him I couldn't.

P. S. the above method of charging a car battery, I use already for many years and don't see any reason to buy the charger.

When a large current to charge the battery can not last long, otherwise you'll just kill your battery. Right to charge with an average current of about 2 – 3 amps, or low strength of the current 1-2 amps, so your battery will be under the charge quite long, about 8 – 10 hours. But you will not cause him any damage.

Since in this case we charge the battery using a current source, it is necessary to control the end of charge voltage at the battery terminals, or at least at the time of the charge, as in the case of overcharging will begin the intensive evolution of hydrogen.

There is another way to charge the battery completely without the charger, with 1 or 4 diodes, conventional incandescent lamp at 220 volts and the socket with the voltage 220V

Making a simple calculation when bridge circuit connection of diodes, a bulb 150 Watt, will receive charging current 0.7 A, respectively, by connecting 2 light bulbs in parallel, the current is 1.4 A, etc. But if instead of light bulbs to use iron, 1 kW, we get a charging current of about 4A!

ATTENTION !!! This charging method is not galvanically isolated from the network, and with respect to (the earth) will be high voltage !!! dangerous for life. Therefore, this method is considered here only theoretical, as one of the possible ways.


Not to repeat! Danger to life!
Electricity is dangerous because it is not seen and not heard, but it kills.
The most difficult question: where to find the diode or 4 diodes, not buying them from the store?, thought for a long time today, yet came up with the following: unsolder the diode bridge from the old power supply computer.
1 Dec
Exeperimental was a success, from how he was held can be seen in the short story:

The main disadvantage of this method: The device has no galvanic separation from the mains of 220 V and has opasnosti electric shock in case of accidental contact with open electrical contacts.
The second important drawback: very low efficiency, i.e. almost all energy consumed is spent on heating only a small portion of the battery charge. Consider this disadvantage in more detail:
As seen in the video the voltage drop on the hot plate was 197 volts, the current in the circuit was 3.5 amperes, respectively, consumed a possibility of a tile P=I*U = 196*3,5 = 686 Watts
because the current in the circuit is the same everywhere then the total power consumption p=211*3,5 = 739 Watts
Useful power which is consumed for charging the battery 13 Volts*3.5 A= 46 Watts
The remaining about 7 Watts is lost in the diodes and wires
(diode voltage drop of 2 Volts — 1 volt across the diode, as indicated in the characteristics, and in one shoulder 2 diodes, get to 2*3.5=7 Watts the power loss in the diodes)
The rotting measurement error as we see the same calculations
consequently the efficiency efficiency= 46/735 =0,063 or 6.3% although in reality the efficiency is even less
i.e. only 6 % of the power goes to charging the battery and the rest to the heating load
Now I try to find the "pros"
First of all: the simplicity of the design. requires a minimum of elements to gather design and charge the battery, which is especially important when it is necessary to charge the battery and find a battery charger is not possible. The only component replacement and something more improvised, not thought of — is a diode or diode bridge
Во вторых: это я бы тоже отнес к плюсам – это практический стабильный ток заряда на протяжении всего процесса заряда. Т.к. внутреннее сопротивление АКБ и изменение напряжения на клеммах АКБ несоизмеримо малы по сранению с сопротивлением нагрузки ( электрической плитки) и падением напряжения на нагрузке, то практически на протяжении всего процесса заряда, зарядный ток не меняется
And on the option with one diode, but in this case the current will be 2 times less, and therefore, the charging time increase
Source: http://cnhufa.ru


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