Many radio amateurs in their con strukcijah using components, you soldered from PCB outdated or a faulty equipment this applies particularly to the dvuhvyvodnyh COM component — resistors, capacitors and diodes tend to be fed after them, hold you water with tweezers. But far from Verona, Yes this method useful: tweezers slides with the withdrawal, and in some places to hook them detail simply not possible due to the high density or small size parts. In this case, the help of adaptation, shown in Figure 2. 1. the first (upper) is a vplav in a suitable plastic handle wire hook. Im having withdrawal podcep removable parts and, having solder soldering iron, vytas nod! it from the boards, then repeat all of this with the second. Such a hook to goraz easier tweezers. True, it is convenient to utilize vytaski only one finding parts, with the second he usually encouraged soskal.
The second device (fig. 1-bottom) — advanced VA Alternatively first: it can be based on fixed income withdrawal vypaivaemoj details after capture. His shematich device but shown in Fig. 2. The pusher 1 interference with molded hook into it and 4 unit last spring for 3 meshhjon in the round case 2. When daemon also holding fixture for the enclosure thumb and middle finger of the hand, the uka press is a precondition to end tolkate la 1, highlighting thereby the hook 4 narrowly. Then put it on the output vypaivaemoj details and allowed away from the pusher. Under the influence of PRU zhiny 3 he aims to take previous state, so as a result, Cor pus moves toward withdrawal details, and when he touches it, is their mutual fixation. Further, having solder, pull out the output from the boards, holding fixture for the flange on the end of the pusher 1. After that nadeva LY hook to another conclusion and to be fed after it is similar to the first. I vypajal using these devices is already more than one hundred parts (even with the curved foil Board waters) and quite happy with the result.
Hook preferably made of spring steel wire DIA meter 0.6 mm. Bend the hook need go to pusher not against twisting in a tube chassis. As Tol katelja used plastic du Bel, which are sold in hardware stores. Enclosure 2 welds of Tin-plated sheet steel cut the ball lonchika of utilised refresh la air. To improve appearance on top of him attached to the heat zhivaemaja tube. Dimensions here are non-fatal, they can be judged by the wire diameter from which bent the hook.
Author: E. GERASIMOV, art. Settlements of Krasnodar region