Circuit breaker position lamps

Правила дорожного движения требуют от водителей включать днем ближний свет фар при движении как по шоссе, так и по городу. Но вот незадача, – свет фар в яркий солнечный день едва заметен, и днем очень легко забыть, поставив машину на стоянку, выключить фары. Ближний свет, конечно, выключается сам, при выключении зажигания, но габаритные огни остаются включенными. А это чревато последствиями. Ток потребления цепями «габаритов» (вместе с приборной панелью) у обычных «жигулей» может достигать нескольких ампер. А это значит, что поутру или в конце рабочего дня двигатель можно и не завести из-за разрядки аккумулятора.

Оказавшись несколько раз в таком незавидном положении, я решил оснас­тить автомобиль несложным таймером, выключающим габаритные цепи через 15- 20 минут после выключения зажигания. Думаю, схема таймера заинтересует и многих других «водителей – радиолю­бителей».

Таймер выполнен на одной микросхеме – µPD14040 или CD4040, которые являются полными аналогами отечественных микросхем К561ИЕ20. Еще потребовалось электромагнитное реле, которое должно будет выключать цепи габаритных огней, – наиболее выгодное по отношению цены и тока, оказалось стандартное реле 90.3747 от жигулевских «восьмерок-девяток-десяток… ». Плюс некоторое количество других деталей.

Figure. 1

Exposure time creates a node from the blinking led and 12-bit counter D1. Flashing led is used here as a pulse generator, producing pulses clocked about 2 Hz, which divides the counter and its most senior exit occurs through Indian unit 17 minutes after reset. This unit turns off the lights and turns off the blinking led.

And now from the beginning. Point X 1 is connected to the output of Chen's ignition key, with which the voltage at the ignition relay. At the point of X 2 and X 5 voltage from the battery (or the wires to which the receiver is connected). Accordingly, plus X 2 minus the x 5. The point of XS and X 4 should be included in the gap to wire circuits "dimensions" of the plus Batte, either in the gap the wires coming from the battery main switch light or position lamps (usually in cars general one switch for position lamps and the main light, he works so that the main light can only be enabled prior to con include marker lights.

Now, when ignition on through the resistor R2 the output of 11 D1 comes voltage from the ignition switch (or ignition relay), and the D1 counter is reset and held in a zero State. Despite the fact that its entrance (pole. 10) receives impulses from the flashing LEDs on the HL1 keeps a logical zero. Output level D1 comes to base key VT1-VT2, comes the tension that key opens. Through relay K1 is leaking current and its contacts are closed, including meals on "dimensions". At the same time, with the collector to the cathode of the led flashing VT2 HL1 enters a negative supply voltage. And through the led and a resistor R6 HL1 leaking current, which causes blinking blinking LEDs. Pulses of current through it are converted to voltage pulses on a level close to the logical and through a chain of C1-R3 arrive at the counter input D1.

When the ignition is switched off, the following occurs: the output power the ignition or ignition relay windings is removed and the X 1 through the resistance of the winding (or car or chains through the R1) is a negative voltage mains proposal (mass). As a result, the output voltage 11 D1 drops to the level of a logical zero. Now the counter can read impulses at its entrance (10). 15-20 minutes later admitted on his entrance pulses reach 2048-output 1 unit appears, enters the base key VT1-VT2 comes voltage which key closes. Through relay K1 more current flows and its contacts are opened, turning off the power position lamps. When this transistor VT2 closed and the flashing of the led cathode HL1 comes a positive supply voltage through the coil of electromagnetic relay K1. Flashing led in this listing not only blink, but burn cannot, because current through it no longer leaks. Respectively, and pulses, co-operating on the counter input do not will.

The input chain on the resistors R1 and R2 is made exactly to exclude entry chip overload if the voltage at the output of the ignition voltage is above the chip, or will the pulses or voltage. The fact that this chip at all entrances there is a protective diodes, anodes are connected to inputs and cathodes concluded 16, i.e. positive nutrition. Their task under dangerous voltage exceeded the provisions of the pushhenii on the inputs supply voltage. But significant signal strength these diodes can be damaged by overcurrent. To avoid this there are resistor R2, which limits the input current. R1 needed to decreasing the input resistance of the scheme for the point X 1.

The diode protects VD1 output switch Tori impulse output headers from release of EMF of self-induction, which originates from the magnetization of the core of the coil of the relay at the time of filing or ending the current through it.

Chain R5-C2 suppresses interference that can penetrate from the mains supply circuit car. To reduce noise and reduce the likelihood of them, it is advisable to connect the power scheme separate twisted pair directly to the battery.

Instead of transistor CT 3107 any p-n-p transistor, for example, CT 361. Instead of CT 815 any medium power transistor, for example, CT 817, CT or KT 604 602, as well as all possible import analogues.

Диод VD1 – любой.

You can replace any led flashing red indicator flashing led. Red because Red LEDs have forward voltage at the time of the Glow light diodes is lower than other colors. Here this is essential, because the main "work" flashing LEDs in this scheme do not have any indication and pulse generation for logical counter.

Особого налаживания не требуется, – работать схема начинает после первого включения.

На основе этой же схемы было сделано еще одно устройство, – таймер для запуска видеорегистратора. Нужно было осуществить видеонаблюдение в гараже на случай кражи, чтобы можно было по видеозаписи разыскать воров. Из всего что есть в продаже, наиболее подходя­щим был обычный автомобильный видео­регистратор. Предполагалось скрытно установить его в гараже. Но с этим возникли две проблемы:

  1. DVR capable of shooting in the dark is equipped with a "flashlight" for over bright infrared LEDs. Although these LEDs and infrared, but they emit little and in the visible spectrum. So at night or in the dark this DVR is very noticeable on the faint red glow. It is not acceptable.
  2. The length of recording standard leg car DVR even on a 32 GB memory card not Snor walks one day. Then comes the erasing earlier files. Means, check garage need at least every 12:00 am, which is also not acceptable.

The first problem was solved by buying a cheaper videoregistra Thor, which has no "infrared svetdiodnogo flashlight. Or should these LEDs remove or paint over a thick

черной краской. Но чтобы запись могла происходить в любое время суток было решено подключить к этой системе обычную осветительную лампу, – пусть грабитель думает, что это всего лишь автоматический выключатель света в гараже.

The second problem was solved by a timer that starts recording when opening the garage gates, and off means the entry through 17 minutes after its closing. Thus, the record lasts 24 hours a day, and only when you need it. This timer was attached and lighting the lamp.

Fig. 2

Diagram is shown in Figure 2. To points X 1 and X 6 Reed connected door sensor. It breaks when opening the entrance gate garage. Additional relay K2 is used to power the DVR (through his charger) that starts the recording. Contacts X 3 and X 4 includes parallel light switch in the garage.

Author: Kroholev In.


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