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Battery control scheme

If electronic devices powered by galvanic current sources, such as batteries, always it is highly desirable to have information on the extent of their State. This will quickly judge the possibilities of their further use.

Even the simplest indicator of voltage BA PowerChute interface under load can render invaluable service. In recent years, widely used schema voltage control chemical sources of power where the nicknames as IP indicator uses one or more LEDs. When this rare blinking green led control device indicates that the battery voltage is normal, and the flashing red LED indicates the battery voltage is below acceptable.

One such schemes designed for battery voltage valid con 9 in, was published in the Czech magazine radioljubitelskom a PE-AR [1]. Initially, it has aroused the interest of simplicity and accessibility of its radio schema components, but when its repetition, it turned out that some denominations requires adjustment.

Unlike many of the simplest circuits con la circuit supply voltage Fig.1 has a high stability Botton. This greatly facilitated the use of integral timer series 7555. This CMOS analog timer 555 import or OTE VI1 1006 CD quality. The use of this chip, according to the author of the publication [1] lets you reduce the current consumption of the control scheme that the CCA is important especially for devices, Pete needed of chemical power sources (batteries).

Integrated circuit IC1 in the schema Figure. 1 included as bistable multivibrator. The charge of the capacitor C1 is carried out through the resistor R1 and the diode D1. Discharge the capacitor through a resistor R2 comes about and from indoor bit transistor microchips through 7 output IC1.

Figure. 1

Distinguish denominations rezisto moat R1 and R2 ten times to ensure great you input duty cycle increases the impulse timer IC1 that energetically very worthwhile figuratively.

The scheme was conceived by its auto rum so that when you reduce voltage controlled battery below the definition of divided information received consumers limit the information about it. To do this output 4 IC1 eats voltage drop on resistor R4. In turn, this resistor is connected to the controlled subject the voltage source (battery) through the Zener diode D3. Zener voltage 100 bilitrona D5 for this schema (when working with Bata reej with nominal voltage of 9 v) defined by the author of the article [1] as in 5.6. Thus, the minimum voltage on the battery set in 5.8.

Если напряжение на батарее в норме, то изред­ка (при формировании на выходе ИМС ICI корот­кого положительного импульса) будет вспыхивать оба светодиода G и R светодиодной сборки D4, и сборка будет светиться желтым цветом. По мере понижения напряжения на батарее до примерно 7 В тиристор VD1 перестанет отпираться, и будет вспыхивать только красный светодиод сборки D3. Это свидетельствует о том, что батарею надо ставить на зарядку. Когда напряжение на батарее станет ниже 5.9 В, светодиоды перестанут вспы­хивать – батарея полностью разряжена.

Permissions for the timer mode in the IC1 multivibratora requires that the voltage at pin 4 proposal of this chip exceeded approximately 0.6 b. at lower voltages working Ta timer is blocked, and (3) there is a low potential.

As is often the case, the repetition schemes are not always possible to purchase the recommended radio components. So, instead of the Zener diode D3 type BZX83V005.6 (5.6 V, 0.5 W) was applied imported a Zener diode with marking C 5V6 PH (5.6 V, 1 W). It was found that the value of the resistor R4 had to be reduced from 330 ohms to 33 ohms.

Во время заряда батареи с подключенным к ней контрольным устройством, при напряжении контролируемой батареи больше примерно 5.8…5,9 В зажигается и начинает мигать красный светодиод R матрицы D4.

В исходной схеме [1] последовательно с крас­ным кристаллом матрицы D4 включался допол­нительный светодиод красного цвета свечения D5. На этом светодиоде при его свечении проис­ходит падение напряжения около 1.25…1,3 В. Однако для визуальной индикации работы схемы вполне достаточно двухцветной светодиодной матрицы D4, поэтому вместо «красного единич­ного» светодиода D5 были использованы два ма­ломощных диода D5 и D6 типа 1N4148.

Resistive voltage divider R5R6 definition determines the inclusion threshold thyristor type VD1 small MCR100-8 (fig. 1). It is known that the Torah had sufficiently large Tiris dispersion current UE management, in which they are included. In this scheme the threshold you specify, in particular, the pattern of a reciprocal resistors R5 and R6 in particular exit Nom voltage timer. To lit the smiling green led (G) led assemblies D4, with recommended in article [1] voltage 7 in and used in the schema instance thyristor type MCR100-8, had to reduce the par value of the re zistora R5 to 22 kohm @ R6 22 kohm.

In order for this device to work with batteries with other nominal consideration Noe voltage (ranging from 6 to 18), you must install the Zener diode D3 with voltage stabilization equal minimum required voltage on the battery. Then need to be mod selection of denominations rezisto moat R5 and R6 for inclusion threshold settings TI ristora VD1 with the voltage at which the battery already should be put in charge.


  1. Obvod kontroly 9 V baterie PE-AR – 2015. – №3. – S.39-40.!

Author: Andrei Nikolaev, Zaporozhye


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