Backup power at home

If you are using a standalone petrol generator as a backup source of Pete tion sometimes has problems with switching.

In the summertime, because of the absence of voltage in the network not working refrigerators, leading to spoilage. In winter, when there are individual gas heating theory do not work is the distribution of the boilers. Use backup Pete tion solves these problems.

However, connecting the generator requires CCA fight caution. To go is powered by the auxiliary generator, you must first turn on the network, and then connect the generator. For these purposes it is better to use, for example, a package s ' switch, eliminating the possibility of simultaneous connection to the House or apartment wiring autonomous gene networks in 230 and Rathor/50 Hz. Failure to observe this may result in damage to the genera, and with sufficient power and generator power supply risk of electrical shock, possibly working on the obestochennoj line, as well as reverse trans formation on substation, which could also be fraught with unpleasant consequences.

In addition, there is a need to control the appearance of voltage on a flat DoD network to vovre me turn off the generator and switch on the network. Once the voltage will appear on the network, the connection must be made in the reverse order.

The proposed simple device (fig. 1) allows unattended automatic ski perform switching, as well as additional significantly signal the moment of occurrence of voltage in the mains supply.

Figure. 1

В исходном состоянии через нормально замк­нутые контакты К1.1 и К1.2 реле К1 нагрузка под­ключена к сети. При отсутствии напряжения запу­скается генератор, появившееся от генератора напряжение приводит к срабатыванию реле К1, которое своими контактами К1.1 и К1.2 отключа­ет нагрузку от сети и подключает к генератору. Контакты К1.3 подключают контрольную лампу EL1 к сети, позволяя контролировать наличие или отсутствие напряжения. Когда напряжение в сети появится, загорается EL1, после чего достаточно выключить генератор, нагрузка автоматически отключится от генератора и подключится к сети. Контакты К1.3 отключат EL1 от сети. Таким обра­зом, все происходит довольно просто – включая или выключая генератор, автоматически перехо­дят на питание либо от сети, либо от генератора. При наличии на вводе устройства защиты от перепадов напряжения генератор необходимо под­ключать после этого устройства (fig. 2)because short-term Voltage dips in the genera time including, for example, refrigerators Nick can cause load.

Instead of the lamp EL1 (or along with it), you can install the sensor can be precisely adapted apartment s ' call, which you can also use the vibrating call from telephone th apparatus, connecting it through the condenser 0.5 µF with voltage not less than 600 in.

Fig. 2

В качестве реле К1 можно использовать лю­бое реле переменного тока (либо постоянного тока, включив катушку реле через диодный мост), с катушкой на 230 В. Напряжение отпускания должно быть не более 100…120 В. Контакты реле должны быть рассчитаны на предполагаемый ток нагрузки, но не менее 5 А.

Another obligatory condition: the relay contacts must work without overlapping, i.e. at the time of switching between the contacts must be the gap, otherwise the generator and network can be briefly included PA rallelno, which is unacceptable. In the author's version of the used relay RECEIVERS-0. The device is mounted on the input plate of cables in your apartment or House. The generator is connected by a wire. To avoid unnecessary losses on electricity connection Provo Yes must be small in length and with a cross section of not less than 0.5 mm2.

Author: Victor Kandaurov, p. Kamyshevakha, Lugansk region.
Source: Радиоаматор №5-6/2017


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