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Home cinema amplifier on a single chip

In the simplest case, a home theater consists of a DVD player, tv and ULF. Many modern DVD players can perform the functions of digital tv set-top boxes and prior UNTCH, because they have a built-in digital tv tuner, record tv on pozoljajushhij "Flash drive", and the preliminary with all regulations with ULF remote. In this case, the antenna is connected to the DVD player, and it signals to the HV on shower and additional Executive ULF.

Here is a diagram of this additional budgetary UNTCH, which can run on an advanced sound system, jashhuju, apart from four MIDRANGE-tweeter speakers and two bass speakers. However, the number of loudspeakers can be less, for example, only two broadband.

Схема построена на одной микросхеме TDA15550 (или TDA15540, что в принципе то же самое). В микросхеме четыре УМЗЧ, два из них прямые, два инвертирующие. Если подать сигнал одновременно на вход прямого и вход инвертирующего усилителя, то между выходами можно включать акустическую систему без конденсатора – будет мосто­вая схема. Дополнительно с каждого из выходов четырех УНЧ можно снять сигнал через конденсатор на дополнительные АС, средне-высокочастотные. Что, собственно, и сделано.

In the diagram, food and acoustic system showing connecting via terminals from 1 to 14-th power 12V post 1 and 2 on paet Terminal. To turn into work mode, you need to withdraw 14 apply logical unit. This can be done via the X 1 connector from the external device control, or through a switch or jumper connect "+" socket X 1 with + 12V.

To terminals 5-6 and 9-10 connect the powerful speaker, subwoofer or widely way. To the remaining terminals under cluded for more MIDRANGE-tweeter speakers.

Power output on the bridge outputs (Terminal 5-6 and 9-10) on 22 W. For the remaining outlets for 11 W.

The resistance of the speaker system no less than 4 Ohms each.

All capacitors should be not lower than the voltage of the power source.

Power supply voltage can be from 6 to 16V, respectively change complied and output power.

Installation is made without printed circuit board. A chip attached to the massive heat sink, which is the rear chassis wall UNTCH. And installation is made directly on its findings. Electrolytic con densatory additionally secured with glue "moment".

Author: Poptsov G.


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