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Автоматический выключатель для погружного насоса – Меандр – занимательная электроника
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Automatic switch for submersible pump

In suburban towns and rural areas often lack a centralized water wire, and the source of water serves well. In the holiday period, so as not to carry heavy buckets of many vacationers favor are submersible pump, with which pumped water into the holding tank, for example, located in the attic of the suburban Domi Ka (such improviziro bathroom water tower). Thus it is necessary to monitor the water level in the tank to avoid spillage.

This automatic switch monitors the filling of the tank, and once the water reaches a certain level, it turns off the pump.

The scheme shown in the text. There are two water sensor probe made of stainless steel, plastic pinned to superstructure, so that the water touches them when the water tank is full. The author as styli used two tablespoons.

Если емкость пуста и её нужно наполнить нужно нажать кнопку-выключатель S1. При этом напряжение сети поступает и на схему выключателя и на насос. Если воды в емкости мало, то воды между щупами датчика нет, и сопротивление R1 существенно меньше сопротивления между щупами датчика. На выводы 1 и 2 D1.1 поступает через R1 напряжение высокого логического уровня. В результа­те на выходе D1.4 тоже будет напряжение высокого логического уровня. Транзисто­ры VT1 и VT2 откроются и через них поступит ток на реле К1, а оно своими контактами замкнет кнопку S1. Теперь кнопку S1 можно отпустить, – насос про­должит работать и после её выключения.

The pump will run until the water in the tank reaches the sensor. Once that happens, sensor probes will in water and the resistance between them will be significantly lower resistance R1. Findings 1 and 2 D 1.1 voltage drops to a low level of anyone matching. The same thing will happen to the outlet item D 1.4. As a result, transistors and closed and VT1 VT2 relay K1 off their contacts as a pump, so the power supply of the machine.

The power supply is made on the basis of the transformer T1. Here used transformer from the vertical scan black and white tv tube 70-ies. Understand that thing "antique", so I can advise to look for more modern transformer secondary windings on 8-9V AC voltage. Or you can buy a ready-made network adapter with an output of 12V and adopt its either alone or inside (transformer rectifiers Tel, capacitor).

Rectifier bridge ZC 402 can be replaced by any other rectifier bridge, or collect the bridge diodes.

Реле К1 – реле КУЦ-1 от системы дистан­ционного управления полупроводникового телевизора 80-х годов. Вместо него можно использовать практически любое реле с обмоткой на 12V и контактами на 220V, достаточно мощными для управления насосом.

The device is assembled on a Breadboard (sieve with metallized holes). If you wish, you can do your own printed circuit board.

S1 button normal "zvonkovaja" button through such connect electric apartment calls. Capacitors on 16V.

The device, when the healthy parts and correct installation, begins to work immediately after the first switching on.

In the process of building may require selection of the required resistance R1 because this greatly depends on the composition of the water.

During operation, you should not click S1 pushing too sharply as C1 can not catch up to boost provisions voltage relay. To click, and despite the fact that the pump included, had to hold down a few seconds and then let go.

Author: Kryukov V.

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